Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Food Photography Review

I love food photography as much as the next person. Unfortunately everyone with an iphone and an internet connection seems to consider themselves a food photographer. We have entered a culture where a vast majority of people seem to think that everyone in the blogsphere cares what you ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner  and dessert. That being said, I really appreciate those food photographers who represent food as it should be, not overdone, just simple and delicious.

Gary Tardiff

The food photography of Gary Tardiff reminds me of the photos that were in my mothers cookbooks when I was little. My mother kept many brightly colored cookbooks with vivid and simple photographs. I appreciate his ability to let the food speak for itself. His use of patterns is also a really great touch, providing direction and order for the eye. Overall I like his tendency for the bright and colorful yet not over exposed or garish.

Ryan Matthew Smith

What I enjoy most about Ryan Matthew Smith's work is that it is unique. It is not just a nice picture of what he ate earlier that day, nor is it really food photography as we know it. His work gives you a view of something that you have never looked at before. It is almost scientific, the curiosity that is sparked when you realize that this is no ordinary look at food.

Dave Brown

Dave Brown, a Denver Food Photographer, has a knack for showing food just as it is. The background of his photos are often a bright over exposed white and he takes the photography principle of getting closer very seriously. The colors are always very vivid, but the white backgrounds make the food appear more clean and crisp and fresh. I think his use of selective focus is also a strong aspect of his food photography.

1 comment:

  1. This photography is delicious! Makes me hungry. I especially like Smith's photo of the grill. I wonder what their food photo shoots are like. That would also be a cool post.
